Sign up to receive Jen’s free Top 10 Tips to Land My Dream Client offered in Joel Bauer’s Webinar Profitability Workshop plus special offers, advice and guidance.

Dear fellow Joel Bauer student,
You are invited to join my 6-week Land My Dream Client MasterClass. Using the Unlimited Lifelong Income Now (U.L.I.N.) Method, together we will better define your offering, align it to what you love doing, and double to triple you income – guaranteed.
Classes occur via Zoom on Sundays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET starting September 20th.
- Maximum capacity of 20 students
- Exclusive rate of $1,997 until midnight Friday night!
- 100% money back guarantee
With so much gratitude for your support,
Jen Ulin
Apply today before pricing goes to $1,997 USD!